+234803 714 9542 kdinitiative76@gmail.com

If you didn’t know, Here’s a bit about us.

KDI is a national NGO but partnering with other international members and supporters.

Our Board of Directors is supported by a Technical advisory Board and the full range of Members who assist us to achieve our goals.

Welcome to KDI please rise your hand

KDI aims to contribute towards sustainable development and social equity for communities. The major focus is on improvement of long term sustainable livelihood; promotion of poverty reduction through agricultural facilities, HIV and AIDS promotions, peace and unity development and sustainability and undertaking community infrastructure projects.

KDI supports projects that improve the environmental sustainability of remote communities through the provision of simple waste management, power supply and wildlife conservation schemes.

KDI aims to achieve sustainable economic growth and a good quality life.

But we’re not done yet. We need your support.

Sponsor an entire trending project

KDI comprises of consistently increasing number of general members who have registered with KDI. An online form is available to register for any person who agrees with the vision of KDI and would like to support or contribute in some form can be a member.

KDI is a national NGO but partnering with other international members and supporters.

Become a Volunteer

It only takes a minute to set up a campaign. Decide what to do. Pick a name. Pick a photo. And just like that, you’ll be ready to start raising money.

Trusted by the biggest brand.

A number of our WATSAN field officers and hygiene promoters, Agriculture and food security promoters – farmer corner, kick and poverty reduction officer’s/livelihood development officers, HIV and AIDS field officers, youth, women and special needs field officers/peace and unity development field officers and vocational training officers have very effective community mobilizers.